Saturday, March 7, 2009


The term podcasting relates to the words iPod and broadcast. It contains files that can be listened using a portable device. A podcast consist of archives of sound generally in mp3 format, or in other cases a collection of video archives called videocasts or vodcasts. An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed format that can be used to listen to a podcast. An advantage of podcast is that a person can share information with many people simultaneously. Podcasting is also a great tool that can be used to deliver information in sections or chunks. There is plenty of free podcasting software available on the internet. One in particular is called, Audacity. This software is very simple and user friendly.
I listen to various podcasts weekly concerning the changes in education and public schools. Some of them are a bit too long, so I have to download them to my iPod and listen to them on the road.

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